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Experiential Campaigns

The Power of Experiential marketing

Experiential Campaigns
People are sharing their day-to-day experiences through a multitude of channels, and it is up to us to provide them with the opportunity to do this through our experiential campaigns.

Clean...and beam!

Clean City (Lei Cidade Limpa)

Clean...and beam!
Most people can walk past advertising and road signs and not bat an eyelid, meaning they take in only what’s necessary or essential for decision making – our unconscious mind will in most cases bring us to a stop or slow us around road junctions.

We’re talking about…

The power of immersive technology

We’re talking about…
Many of the world’s biggest technology leaders have invested heavily in VR and AR’s future. We’re set to see many more recognised brands deliver immersive and realistic experiences to stimulate true and valuable emotional responses.

We’re talking about…

How to make your brand unique!

We’re talking about…
At Kommando we have realised that the greatest catalyst for content creation and social amplification isn't creating the content yourself, but producing something that the public want to interact with and talk about.

Experiential Marketing

Creating a closer bond.

Experiential Marketing
The smartest Experiential marketers are designing events and advertising “experiences” to the people who have content generation at the forefront of their minds.

Innovation At NASA Speed?

Tracking Consumer Reactions With Emotibox

Innovation At NASA Speed?
Using EmotiBox, we are able to track and react to audience reactions in real-time, in much the same way that NASA track the emotions of their astronauts en route to Mars.