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The power of immersive technology in telling a story for brands

Yes we are still talking about Pokémon Go! It has amassed over 75 million downloads since its launch, the app’s rise to fame has been nothing short of incredible. Not only has it pleased budding gamers but it has well and truly thrown augmented reality (AR) technology into the forefront of the marketing mind.

What was so great about Pokémon Go’s success is the opportunities that it now opens up for brands. AR is now the THING that everyone wants to use. It is also showing how to cut-through and start building brand appreciation with “Generation Z”.

Telling stories in ways never before possible

Madame Tussauds and VELUX

It is easy to see why audience’s both young and old have been captivated by VR – blending reality with non-reality, it provides a captivating experiential experience and one that many have not encountered before. But it’s through the use of fully-immersive virtual reality (VR) that the greatest stories are destined (and yet) to be told.

Madame Tussauds - unveiled the Ghostbusters Experience in New York
They created a feeling for the user of being the centre of the narrative, this is what makes immersive technologies hugely powerful for brands. Especially when you are looking to engage, influence and win over new fans! (experiential marketing)

VELUX Virtual Reality Tour - to give VELUX suppliers and installers a preview of the features and benefits of the range, an immersive Virtual Reality (VR) experience has been created to transport them to the VELUX factory in Denmark. People are taken on a 360° journey from the forest where the wood is sourced, right through to the building, testing and installation of the innovative new roof window design. This provides a full understanding of the product along with instilling a sense of community and workmanship with the brand.

Emotive Experiences

Virtual Reality allows brands to create a completely unique story and environment, whilst offering the added benefit of entirely something new. In today’s market, many consumers are valuing experiences over products, meaning offering this highly emotive experience is massively important.

For brands, this immersive technology provides a platform for story-telling that previously not been possible. Using VR’s unique story-telling capability, combined with film-making, grants chances to present “life-like” scenarios. It is this feature that makes it such an emotive experience, and why brands are now using VR to get important messages across.

We’re only just at the beginning to see the kind of stories that immersive technologies are capable of telling. Many of the world’s biggest technology leaders have invested heavily in VR and AR’s future. We’re set to see many more recognised brands deliver immersive and realistic experiences to stimulate true and valuable emotional responses.

If you have an Virtual Reality or experiential project you’d like to discuss, we’d love to hear from you.

Pushing The Boundaries

Into The Kool Box Goes... Virtual Reality.

Pushing The Boundaries
With more companies trying their hand at Virtual Reality, for experiential marketing, we found it fitting to talk about some of the Virtual Reality campaigns which are pushing the boundaries.

Pokémon Go

Leading The Way For Mainstream AR

Pokémon Go
Having recently wrapped up our own successful Augmented Reality campaign for the Scottish Government bringing invisible toxins to life, we felt it only right that we get involved in the conversation surrounding the recent Pokémon Go release in the UK.

Innovation At NASA Speed?

Tracking Consumer Reactions With Emotibox

Innovation At NASA Speed?
Using EmotiBox, we are able to track and react to audience reactions in real-time, in much the same way that NASA track the emotions of their astronauts en route to Mars.