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Our Process

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To be effective, strategy and process is everything. It drives our campaigns and cements our reputation for activating Experiential campaigns with precision. At Kommando we differentiate ourselves from other experience marketing agencies through our operational rigour, unique technology and ability to eliminate pain points.

Click below to download a short summary of our processes.

Stage 1

immersion in the subject and alignment of stakeholder needs

We'll work closely with you or your agency to understand your marketing strategy and objectives to ensure the solutions we propose are on brief and on brand. 

Stage 2

insight gathering and strategy formulation

We undertake a period of intelligence gathering in order to formulate the best possible strategic approach.

We'll fire up our highly experienced creative team with insights that will bring relevant and original creative solutions to the table.

Stage 3

development of outline campaign proposals

Upon agreement of the brief we will develop 3 potential solutions/ proposals for presentation, eventually narrowing down to one. The solutions can be delivered as desired, from a mood board to a formal strategy.

Our ISO 9001 enrollment, peerless risk assessment procedures, strictly applied health & safety regulations and robust public liability insurances means you can appoint us and relax.

Stage 4

campaign design

Linford Christie once boasted that he left the blocks on the B of the Bang. That's a good philosophy. Trap well, lead from the front, make an impact and carry through to the end.

That's what we aim for each and every day of each and every assignment. The chosen solution is engineered to the smallest detail from logistics & materials to risk assessments and resource requirements.

Stage 5

live campaigning

When the campaign goes live our management team monitors and police every activity on a daily basis.

Clients can expect a call with a daily roundup during the first week of activity, followed by a weekly status & feedback report.

Stage 6

campaign evaluation and final report

We evaluate every job quickly and economically. We give you access to our data capture/statistical analysis in such a way that you can take your new found prospects onto the next stage of your brand journey.

At the end of every campaign we encourage a formal debrief (from us to you) on all findings.