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This Week we're talking about #10

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How to make your brand unique!


Throughout the years marketing has changed dramatically, this could be down to number of channels that we can now easily use to market. At Kommando we have realised that the greatest catalyst for content creation and social amplification isn't creating the content yourself, but producing something that the public want to interact with and talk about.

We are designing events and advertising “experiences” with the customers at the forefront of their mind.

Below are some great techniques and technologies to use on your next experiential event.



At Kommando, we are always looking at ways to make your brand stand out from the crowd. We absolutely love everything creative, and experiential, hence why we love Lomography photography.

Similar to Kodak's concept of the "Kodak moment", the philosophy behind Lomography is summed up in its "Don’t Think, Just Shoot." 

Lomography images tend to be high-contrast with unusual saturation created using a certain technique in which film intended for developing is processed in photographic negative chemistry. This technique can be employed with many film cameras and can be somewhat mimicked with photo-editing software such as Photoshop. However the use of digital manipulation to create this effect goes somewhat against the principles of Lomography.

With InstaPix at PixAngels they offer a great Lomography photo service for your event. They can create on the spot unique images using their lomography camera and can print them out straight away. If you are interested in making your event a unique experience you can get in contact with PixAngels here.



Are you wanting to stand head and shoulders above the rest? Are you looking for a unique and immersive way to advertise your product…have you tried the iWalker? The iwalker from Nomadix provides a roaming experiential digital signage solution which improves OOH media experience. Static formats provide visual only stimulation and at times this can be lost, where the iWalker enhances the ‘pull’ sensory experience through powerful audio visual impact and crucial face to face value between the wearer of iWalker and the audience.

The iwalker provides:

  1. Audience measurement (gender and 4 age group profiling reports)
  2. Location based advertising with GPS
  3. Second Screen Bridging Software (connecting mobile to iWalker screens to drive instant rewards and promote social media sharing)
  4. Interruptive security and emergency messaging to screen (NX1 security variant)

If you are wanting to get your brand to stick up from the crowd, you can get in contact here.



Another experiential technology to look at by NomadiX, is their iprojector. They have been used to dress buildings with light, animate rooms, project movies at exhibitions, club nights and large events in such a way that we've had crowds gaping and gasping all over the world, whilst handing over their contact details, for brands like Levi, Budweiser and the Scottish Government.

They are masters in projection advertising. They look to deliver your message with maximum impact, whether it is static images or full motion video. Check out their video below:


Pokémon Go

Leading The Way For Mainstream AR

Pokémon Go
Having recently wrapped up our own successful Augmented Reality campaign for the Scottish Government bringing invisible toxins to life, we felt it only right that we get involved in the conversation surrounding the recent Pokémon Go release in the UK.

Innovation At NASA Speed?

Tracking Consumer Reactions With Emotibox

Innovation At NASA Speed?
Using EmotiBox, we are able to track and react to audience reactions in real-time, in much the same way that NASA track the emotions of their astronauts en route to Mars.

We’re talking about…

The power of immersive technology

We’re talking about…
Many of the world’s biggest technology leaders have invested heavily in VR and AR’s future. We’re set to see many more recognised brands deliver immersive and realistic experiences to stimulate true and valuable emotional responses.