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Fluid Hair

how not to advertise

This advert for Fluid Hair has provoked an angry across the globe...

A Festive Message

from Kommando founder

I'm sure most of us have some experience of the challenges laid down in the current economic climate. During 2011 there have been many ups and downs as marketing budgets shrink and are re-evaluated.

Fake Apple Stores!?

Fake handbags, fake DVDs and now…

Complete with the iconic Apple sign, apple products and point of sale material and even the standard employee uniform of blue t-shirts, you could be fooled into thinking this Apple store in Kunming, China was the real deal.

Not Yet Born?

Don’t Worry, You can still have a Facebook page…

Not content with getting daily updates from parents-to-be? Your anguish may now be at an end…

Facebook To Be Destroyed?

Facebook To Be Destroyed?

Between Facebook and totalitarian governments the collective has vowed to destroy the social network on Guy Fawkes day.

Facebook Add Skype

Facebook Add Skype

Facebook has confirmed rumours that it will add a Skype video calling feature to its services.