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Fluid Hair; how not to advertise

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This advert for Fluid Hair has provoked an angry across the globe...

The ad, which reads “Look Good In All You Do” and depicts a well-coiffed woman with a black eye and her husband standing behind her holding a diamond necklace, caused controversy this week and was condemned by a number of family violence/domestic abuse groups.

"I think it's more than lived its useful life," said Jan Reimer, co-ordinator with the Alberta Council of Women's Shelters.

"This advertisement is at risk of glamourizing an issue that is of serious and life-threatening, ongoing concern to all the women and children who use our shelters," said Janine Fraser, director of the Edmonton Women's Shelter.

Salon owner Sarah Cameron defended the ad in a press release, calling it artistic and open to interpretation:

"Is it cutting edge advertising? Yes. Is it intended to be a satirical look at real-life situations that ignites conversation and debate? Of course. Is it to everyone’s taste? Probably not."

See the full story here >>

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