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Experiential Marketing Technology

The idea behind Experiential Marketing is simple, to enhance the bond between the customer and the brand by creating and facilitating a fun and memorable event or advertising experience. This can best be achieved by engaging as many of the senses of the customer as possible, which is something that cannot always be achieved by traditional advertising methods.

By deploying an Experiential Marketing strategy, the marketer hopes to also create a memorable event or stunt that garners a great amount of buzz, intrigue and possibly even disruption. If the event is successful, it is hoped that customers will then take to social media to share a positive message on the brand and the experience, creating an increased brand exposure that hopefully leads to greater sales.

Sounds good right? Unfortunately, this cannot always be achieved simply through the use of motivated people and a good idea, but fear not; this is where technology comes in! It is no accident that the growth of Experiential Marketing has coincided with the advancement of these technologies as they help bridge the gap between the customer and the marketer.

At Kommando, this tech allows us to challenge conventional marketing practice, creating new and exciting experiences that bring the brand to life! Here are a few of our favourite developments in tech and how they have been used to create a more engaging experience for the customer:

Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality headsets and products such as the Oculus Rift, Google Cardboard and the new Taclim VR Shoes (check out our Kommando KoolBox for more information) and gloves allow marketers to take the consumer on an immersive journey into alternate reality. Volvo used a VR app available on the average smartphone to allow curious consumers to step into their newest model, the XC90. This was such a success that the model sold out online! 

At Kommando we have used this technology to create an immersive experience for our client VELUX.

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality works in a similar way to VR, giving the user a live view of the product through computer generated imagery. This can be used to superimpose products into the real world, creating a hybrid of real and augmented imagery. One example of AR in practice is the IKEA Projected Catalogue, which gave potential customers a real scale view of products in their desired space. 

Check out how we used AR, to show the dangers of Second Hand Smoke, for a Scottish Government initiative.

3D/4D Surface Projection Mapping

Surface Projection Mapping allows digital imagery to be projected onto large buildings and landmarks. Similarly to Augmented Reality tech, this allows for virtual products to be brought into the real world. A great example of this comes from Disney, who projected a 36-foot Hulk onto London’s Tower Bridge, giving the illusion of the Marvel hero lifting the bridge.

We have recently acquired a Mapping App which enables you to beam multiple images and video onto 3D surfaces to create digital art – known as projection mapping.

The Future

The advancement of these technologies, as well as the emergence of new ones, will continue to drive Experiential Marketing practices and the experiences offered to consumers. The challenge for the keen marketer will be to keep their finger firmly on the pulse; continuing to utilise these exciting new technologies in order to fully immerse the customer in the brand experience.

The retail sector is already starting to see how they can incorporate AI and VR into their marketing plans in order to creater a greater connection with the customer.

If you are interested in any Experiential activity we would love to hear from you.

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