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Take it right outside Field Campaign

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After a couple of months of travelling across Scotland engaging with parents, grandparents, kids and anyone else who fancied a nosey at the augmented reality, our Take It Right Outside field campaign has wrapped up just in time for the festive season.

Following a previous two phases of the campaign earlier this year and in 2014, this winter's run was a resounding success, with the addition of various extra elements to ensure maximum impact and motivation for behaviour change. Below is a quick look at what we did and how it turned out. 


Despite changes in Scottish legislation making smoking in public places illegal, many children are still exposed to the dangerous toxins contained in second hand smoke in the place in which they are meant to be the safest – their own home. As smoking is such an entrenched behaviour for so many, the Scottish Government wanted to really drive home the potential damage that smoking in the home – or even at the door or window – can have on children.

 WHAT WE DID                     

As part of a 5-year programme for tobacco control, an integrated campaign has been carried out across the country featuring TV, radio, print OOH and digital elements. In line with the wider campaign, Kommando has worked in conjunction with the Scottish Government and agencies Story & PixAngels to deliver the experiential and social aspects of the “Take It Right Outside” campaign. 

 HOW WE DID IT                   

A 29 date national tour of various shopping centres, ASDA’s, Tesco’s and community centres combining an emotive augmented reality (AR) experience combined with photo marketing made “the invisible visible” and encouraged people to rethink their smoking habits and “Take It Right Outside” for the sake of their kids.

Through the AR, participants could view their kids in a typical living room scene which would gradually fill with the invisible toxins contained in second hand smoke often overlooked by smokers. Blackened lungs also appeared to breathe on the child’s chest and helped to deliver the campaign messages in a personalised and immersive way designed to initiate behaviour change in the target audience.

The whole experience was mirrored on a large TV screen, giving passers-by the chance to stop and take in the message too. After participating in the AR and chatting to brand ambassadors about the dangers and easy tips for avoiding smoking indoors, participants are asked to “Take It Right Outside” through a door in the living room. PixAngels photo marketing then took photographs of families and gifted them in fully branded frames as tangible reminders of their pledge to keep their home smoke free. The images were also instantly uploaded to a bespoke branded gallery on the campaign website from which people could share their pledge across social media and educate others on the lesser known facts about second hand smoke in the home.


We're Talking About...

Week #1

We're Talking About...
The Great Wall of China, afternoon naps, Star Wars and bin bags.

We're Talking About...

Week #2

We're Talking About...
#RedCups, sled dogs and 90-foot selfie sticks.

We're Talking About...

Week #3

We're Talking About...
A real life Cadbury advent calendar, Jaguar's "Actual Reality" prank and starring alongside Naomi Campbell in Burberry's Christmas ad.