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This Week We're Talking About...

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Integrated: Cadbury - Uk

It’s officially December and right on cue, the Christmas songs have taken over all in-store playlists and colourful trees have started appearing in every window. For so many people across the UK, December 1st sees them open the first window of their annual Cadbury advent calendar, and this year the brand have taken the concept to a whole new level. With an integrated campaign featuring social media, PR, digital, radio, TV and experiential activity, this Christmas campaign is set to be their biggest yet.

In November, the TV advert rolled out across major channels and showed the Cadbury team packing up 24 fully branded lorry’s, each labelled with a number (just like an advent calendar!) promising to deliver festive chocolatey treats to various locations throughout the UK on each day from the 1st-24th of December. The campaign has so far received masses of attention on social media, as not only are consumers keen to know if and when a truck might appear in their home town, but they have also been tweeting the brand with #CadburyStopHere, detailing who they’d “share the joy” with and why.


Yesterday, truck number 1 found itself on Paradise Street in Liverpool, and opened its doors to reveal a Grotto made entirely from chocolate (why, why, why do I not live in Liverpool?). From the table and chairs built with Wispa to edible presents, decorations and giant wall mounted Freddo, the Santa’s Grotto was the perfect way to kick off and bring the whole campaign to life whilst incorporating an experience so synonymous with the lead up to Christmas year upon year.

As the experiential elements unfold, the Cadbury team will be on hand to film the - no doubt delighted - reactions of consumers. These will be available to view and share across the brands online channels, allowing those not present to experience it for themselves to share the joy too!

Experiential: Jaguar - New Zealand

In the same vein as The North Face's Virtual Reality stunt, Jaguar 's "Actual Reality" activity fooled unsuspecting consumers into a test drive of the new F-Type S Jaguar. 

As part of the annual Big Boys Toys event in New Zealand, a number of attendees were lucky enough to win what they though was a virtual reality drive in the new model, however whilst they view a short clip through their fake VR helmet, an experienced driver enters the car with them and zooms off around a racing track as the passenger watches on through normal lenses in the helmet, thinking that the whole experience is a simulation. See the participants reactions here.

Digital: Burberry - UK

As a brand that’s remains ahead of the curve, continually incorporating the latest technology into their campaigns with each passing season, it’s no surprise that Burberry have partnered up with Google to allow consumers to stitch themselves into their hugely successful Christmas ad campaign.

The 3 minute film features celebrities such as Naomi Campbell, James Bay and Romeo Beckham, and now consumers who visit the brand’s flagship store on Regent Street and enter the “Burberry Booth” can star alongside them. People are filmed jumping in the air in front of a green screen background before the footage is edited into a 15 second snippet of the ad and emailed for sharing on YouTube and across other social media channels.

We're Talking About...

Week #1

We're Talking About...
The Great Wall of China, afternoon naps, Star Wars and bin bags.

We're Talking About...

Week #2

We're Talking About...
#RedCups, sled dogs and 90-foot selfie sticks.