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Virtual reality (VR), is fast becoming one of the most significant industries of the past decade. It is predicted the value of the VR market is to reach approximately $30 billion by 2020.

While the idea of virtual reality has been around for some time now, it’s only really over the past 2 years that it has become a realistic option for creating an experiential marketing project.

At Kommando we are always looking at exciting ways to incorporate VR technology into our campaigns. For businesses, the VR industry could represent a phenomenal platform for growth – and you don’t have to be a huge enterprise to make it work. We recently completed a VR experience for VELUX for the launch of their new window design.

The great thing with VR at the moment, is there are many low-budget options for incorporating virtual reality into your marketing strategies.

Offer a Great Experience

Experiential marketing is still growing year on year, customers are looking for experience above anything else, and an experiential campaign can deliver this. You only have to see how AI and VR are playing a big role in the future of Retail.

Virtual Reality is a great way to create deeper engagement with your customers. By creating an experience for consumers where they can explore your products and services through a VR development could be the perfect option. 

Making VR Available to your Customers

VR exist primarily within a simple device headset. This means that if you want to make VR work for your customers, you’ll need to ensure that the headset you have will work with your creative.

While some of the major VR options are quite expensive – and as such, not as accessible to the masses, other options like Google. They have Google DayDream but also Google cardboard are cheap, simple, and even free to make yourself. You can even download the kit for your company, and build a VR experience yourself.

VR is already evolving, with Taclim having just invented the first VR shoes and gloves to create an even greater immersive experience. Check out our KoolBox for more information.

360 Video

There is a slight alternative to Virtual Reality and that is the option of developing your own 360 video. This is a relatively new idea – these videos generate masses of interest from viewers, especially on social networking sites such as Facebook.

Although 360 videos can be used to enhance a VR experience, they can also be viewed without any additional hardware on a computer, or smartphone – making them completely accessible to your entire audience.

If you are interested in a Virtual Reality Experiential activity or any other experiential campaign we would love to hear from you.

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Experiential Technologies


Experiential Technologies
The premise of an experiential campaign is to create a closer bond between the consumer and the brand by immersing them in a fun and memorable can help bridge this gap.

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