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We Have A New Home!

Home | Blog | We have a new home!

After weeks of to-ing and fro-ing , we can finally announce that our brand new London office is open for business!

It’s right in the heart of Shoreditch (plenty of cool restaurants & bars for post 5pm on a Friday!) – can you spot the Banksy on the side of the building?

You can now find us at:

The Black and White Building
74 Rivington Street

..where we will be continuing to concoct creative campaigns which bring brands to life and challenge the rules - only difference is we have a swanky new pad to do it from!

As well as our new inner-city location, we can still be found amongst the many colourful cows at our country retreat just outside Glasgow - allowing us to be close to our more Northern based clients. If you fancy popping in for a chat, the address is:

The Barn
Townfoot Farm
Blantyre Ferme Road
G77 7RR

We’ll put the kettle on.

Dr. Oetker

Freshly Frozen Pizza - Do You Buy It?

Dr. Oetker
Dr Oetker has launched their £2m #FreshnessFrozen campaign with a guerrilla marketing stunt in central London.

Empowering Students

"Where anything is possible, except invisibility"

Empowering Students
Kommando & Hertford Regional College have joined forces to empower potential students by arming them with information for their future.

Kommando's Own Drone!

into the kool box goes ... Lily

Kommando's Own Drone!
She's lightweight, portable, waterproof & can follow a subject around as she shoots photos and film footage from the sky. The latest addition to the Kool Box is an exciting one!