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Freshly Frozen Pizza - Do You Buy It?

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In recent weeks, well-known international food brand Dr Oetker has launched a £2m campaign called “#FreshnessFrozen”, promoting their Ristorante pizza range and convincing consumers that frozen ingredients can be just as tasty as fresh ones.

The campaign kicked off outside London’s Liverpool Station – a busy commuter hotspot – and saw a pizzeria made entirely from ice pop up for one day only. The ice-restaurant was made up of an impressive 34 blocks of ice, requiring a total of 3,400 litres of water and over a month of continuous freezing to complete. Within each block was the ingredients of the brands famous Ristorante pizzas, frozen in time at their peak and arranged to look like patterned wallpaper. Not only did the structure attract the attention of passers-by, but also served as the perfect photo opportunity, allowing images of the set-up to be shared across social media using the hash tag #FreshnessFrozen and boosting the campaign’s reach before it had even really started.


Dr. Oetker’s Guerrilla stunt was a precursor for a TV campaign aiming to convince the UK that just because the ingredients have been frozen, doesn’t mean they are any less appetising or nutritious. By launching “#FreshnessFrozen” with this activity, Dr. Oetker have initiated conversations all over the country as articles and pictures of the ice-restaurant have spread across the internet and social media. This initial priming of the consumer’s subconscious helps to ensure that when they do come across the television ad, it will not be lost in the sea of other generic product advertisements, but will elicit an emotional response from the consumer as they have already come across the message elsewhere in their life.


Here at Kommando, we firmly believe that Guerrilla Marketing is an unrivalled method of attracting attention to your brand for all the right reasons, as well as creating buzz and anticipation in the lead up to a bigger campaign. TV alone no longer has the power to reach consumers in a society so saturated in traditional advertising, therefore brands are required to break through the white noise with something exciting before the audience will sit up and take notice. Disruptive tactics such as Dr. Oetker’s have proved effective in stopping consumers in their tracks during an otherwise mundane daily commute to convey the campaign message in an interesting and engaging format.



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