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Meet Lily...

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If you’ve read any of our previous blogs you’ll know that we have a bit of a thing for drones at Kommando, so we are excited to announce that we now have one of our own!


“Lily” is a friendly-looking, flying “throw and shoot” camera which has seemingly taken over the internet this week.

With the ability to record at 1080p and fly at up to 30 feet, you simply throw Lily in the air and using a small wearable tracking device she will follow, photograph or film you for up to 20 minutes at a time. She’s waterproof and small enough to be portable, therefore can be put to use in a variety of environments to capture high quality footage of any activity or even that group “selfie” we have all been struggling to perfect for years now.

This extremely innovative piece of technology enters the market just as drones are earning their place in the marketing landscape and are being used by brands such as Pepsi, Amazon & Twitter to generate buzz and publicity. Starting their lives as military devices, they have rapidly evolved as more and more people have begun to recognise their potential for application in other areas such as Film & Television and Brand Marketing.

Now Lily isn’t just a toy for us to play with here at Kommando HQ, there is serious potential to integrate this technology into our campaigns in any number of ways. We are always looking for new methods of exciting and engaging consumers through experiences, and Lily is another addition to our “Kool Box” - a set of tools at our fingertips to assist us in doing just that.


See below for some of the other components of the Kool Box!

Handheld Projectors

Into Our Kool Box Goes...

Handheld Projectors
We love this nifty piece of technology by NomadiX Media. We’ve never seen anything like it before.

Moss Graffiti

Into Our Kool Box Goes...

Moss Graffiti
This month, ‘moss graffiti’ goes into our Kool box. It’s a spin off from the guerilla gardening movement and brands such as Npower have already produced 'mossaging' campaigns created using nothing but moss.


Kommando Capture Emotions

Kommando Group introduces the Emotibox - the latest addition to our burgeoning technology portfolio. The compact Emotibox uses wireless camera technology and unique software to capture audience data in real time.