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Moss graffiti

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This month, ‘moss graffiti’ goes into our Kool box.

It’s a spin off from the guerilla gardening movement and brands such as Npower have already produced 'mossaging' campaigns created using nothing but moss.

Spray paint is known to have many negative environmental effects as it contains toxic chemicals so as an alternative, moss graffiti is starting to catch on.

This medium is not only ecologically sound but also grows with time. Moss is used to create text or images and then glued onto a surface by means of beer, buttermilk, or yogurt combined with sugar.

If you want to make Moss Graffiti, Stencil Revolution provide an excellent step by step guide on how to devise the perfect ‘mossaging’ campaign, from growing and picking the right spot to chalking out the graffiti and applying the moss.

Grow it Yourself

Fennel and Fern say that in London, the best example of moss graffiti comes from artist Anna Garforth. The artist started out after finding a forgotten plot of land which was due for development, snuck in and grew moss!

Brands Using Moss Graffiti

Npower’s ‘mossaging’ campaign crafted four bespoke installations using nothing but moss. The moss grew over 3 weeks across 3 cities, reaching over 1,100,000 people.

SEPTA’s moss installation project encouraged Philadelphia’s commuters to ‘Go Green’ through navigable moss icons and green walls in the Market East Station’s passenger service area, ticketing area, and on the exterior of the station building and Transportation Museum.

The initiative was part of SEPTA’s mission to help commuters become more aware of the positive environmental impact of using mass transit regularly.


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