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Experiential Throwback

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Our aim is to create new and exciting campaigns that shout louder than the rest! We are proud of every single experiential campaign that we have delivered across the UK and beyond.

Experiential marketing campaigns vary hugely from one campaign to another, it is this variety that makes us love what we do so much.

Below, some of our team talk about their favourite campaigns from over the years.


One of my favourite campaigns would have to be when we crash landed massive 1Nation logo's on the doorstep of leading media buyers across London to mark the launch of the radio station. 

I loved the buzz this created for 1Nation - we stopped traffic that day as everyone looked on in amazement at the crazy scientists & roving reporters investigating the scenes!


I loved our launch for Superdrug’s new flagship store in Kensington, we transformed the High Street into a giant make-up bag overnight, it really was special!

To see the look on people's faces as they walked out of Kensington Station was priceless – street bollards were lipsticks, pelican crossings eyeliners, signs transformed into eyeshadow pallets, lipstick kisses all over the pavement!

The funniest part was the ‘removal men’ roaming the streets with a large branded mirror and generally causing havoc, they were fantastic especially when they accidently ended up in the main competitors store :) 


I really enjoyed our Highland Spring activity. It was for their "Full of the Joys" campaign, where we used PixAngels photo technology at loads of sporting events they were sponsoring across the UK.

It was so nice to capture the pride on fans' faces as they were heading into the stadium to support their team.

Everyone loved the experience, and took any chance they could get to have their picture taken. Nobody thought twice before sharing it across social media!


My favourite Kommando campaign has to be our work promoting Palme d’Or winning film “I, Daniel Blake”. I have always loved the work of Ken Loach, so working on a campaign for his latest film was a dream come true!

We brought streets across the UK to a standstill. Using iProjector tech we beamed images from the film onto local buildings. As it got dark the powerful words of the film became a focal point as people stopped in amazement.

We created a striking campaign for an amazing film - something that I am really proud to have been a part of.


I just loved our Virtual Reality Roadshow for VELUX. The tour crossed the UK & Ireland to raise awareness for their new window product.

We created a really immersive experience, opening people’s eyes to VELUX products, plus we got to use some great technology and had some great banter with the public. For me this ticks all the boxes of a perfect campaign!

Our visitors loved the experience, and we were able to really interact with them and have a bit of fun!


Our field marketing campaign promoting the dangers of second-hand smoke for the Scottish Government’s "For your kid's sake, take it right outside" really was something I was delighted to be part of. 

Using the power of Augmented Reality to “make the invisible visible”, we got to show visitors the dangers of second-hand smoke. My favourite part of this project was seeing the shock on people’s faces as the damaged lungs and toxins magically appeared, not to mention I got to try a technology that I had been excited to use for ages.  

We also won "Experiential Event of the Year" at The Drum's Scottish Event Awards 2016 for this campaign so it was a winner all round!

If you are interested in any experiential activity we would love to hear from you!

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