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Women’s Aid uses interactive DOOH campaign to fight against domestic violence

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Women’s Aid recently created an interactive digital out-of-home campaign, launched to coincide with International Women’s Day. 

What was the message? To increase awareness of domestic violence and raise funds for Women’s Aid.

The activity which has been running at Canary Wharf, Birmingham Bullring and Westfield London demonstrates how we can all make tangible changes in the fight against domestic violence.

Images displayed on the big screen show a bruised woman with the simple imperative ‘Look at me’. Using facial recognition technology the interactive screens can recognise when people are paying attention to the image. Those who look at the screen get feedback via a live video feed that runs along the bottom of the ad as a visual ticker-tape.

As more people notice the image the woman’s bruises slowly heal, highlighting that taking notice and confronting domestic violence is more powerful than turning a blind eye.

Charity ambassadors were also present at screen locations, providing on-the-spot information as well as driving social media interaction using SMS and tweets to encourage donations.


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