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Experiential Marketing

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The Millennial Generation and Technology

The market has changed dramatically over the development of technology in recent years. Consumers are inundated with adverts and marketing ploys, becoming less and less responsive to traditional forms of marketing.

It is no longer advisable to promote only the benefits of the product or service, but to ensure the customer can engage with the brand. This creates an opportunity and necessity for brands to think differently in their approach to marketing. The most effective forms involve developing an experience for the consumer, creating an emotional attachment to the brand and building on relationships. The Millennial Generation are identified as being particularly suspicious and underwhelmed by marketing techniques, with vast information at their fingertips, the campaign has to create a connection so strong and powerful that they have to pay attention.

Experiential marketing works in this premise. Seeking to provide a unique and memorable experience for the consumer. It has been suggested that feelings and emotional connections are more powerful in creating a reaction from consumers than the traditional form of “sales-focused” selling, ultimately building a lasting impression and customer loyalty. Promoting a brand and personality is the key behind an effective marketing campaign in this era. In addition, experiential marketing can contribute to building brand equity, as consumers perceive the experience with added value and can relate further with the brand.

An experience can play powerful in memory recall. When a brand is mentioned the experience and perception created by the campaign will come to mind and be (hopefully) associated with positive memories. In this age of technology availability, it is important for brands to utilise this in their campaigns, particularly if targeting the Millennial Generation. Using only Internet or social media platforms is not enough. The consumer must engage with the brand on a deeper level. Look at the example of Coca Cola Zero, a campaign was created to “unlock the 007 in you”, challenging the public with getting across a busy train station in 70 seconds. This campaign incorporated technology and experience to unleash a remarkably effective and innovative experience. Watch the video below to see how they fare.

The people who took part in this activity will identify with this experience in a positive way, remembering how the brand was able to get them involved and provide a unique event in their lives. Furthermore, from the brand’s perspective, participants will share this experience with peers, increasing involvement and interaction worldwide.
Be innovative in your approach to marketing and understand the target market. Give them an experience they cannot forget.

(And see below for the people who did not manage to unlock the 007’s within!)


Scottish Power case study


Qader, I.K.A., Omar A.B. (2012). The Evolution of Experiential Marketing: Effects of Brand Experience among the Millennial Generation. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, Vol 2 (No. 1), pp. 331-340.


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