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Using online and social media space with your experiential campaign

Home | Blog | Using online and social media space with your experiential campaign

Experiential marketing is a perfect partner for the growing social media trend, see below for how to use online and social media space to work with your experiential campaign...

1.Embrace social media…

2011 is about creating experiential campaigns that invite participation and continue the dialogue online and in social media space – there is huge scope for adding extra value to your campaigns and it looks set to get even bigger.

2. …but keep it professional!

Get into social media but always make sure you keep your private behaviours separate from the way you speak and behave in your business space; make sure you keep it professional and relevant.

3. Data-capture…

Data-capture and lead generation are key to business success and this is something which is easily implemented at street level through an experiential campaign. Capture as much data as you can to get the best results and maximise effectiveness.

4. …and keep the campaign alive.

Amplify the experience beyond the campaign space. Make use of creative media to enhance to core messaging and use leads generated from data-capture to follow it up, ensuring your campaign continues to engage after the main event.

5. Focus on video

People surf the web to learn and communicate; build your brand personality and awareness by focusing some of your time and budget on video which can be seeded online. Once the online relationship has been initiated you can exploit it through experiential opportunities.

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