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We Have Mooooooooved!

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Kommando HQ have mooooooooved to pastures new!

We have bid farewell to the concrete jungle and relocated to our new countryside home surrounded by fields ...... and the odd cow in Uddingston, Glasgow !

Watch out for our pet ram who will be bringing you live webcam footage of Kommando down on the farm...

We are looking for a name for our new home, any ideas, send into us today!

Sony Ericsson

Sony Ericsson call on Kommando

Sony Ericsson
Kommando was selected as the staffing agency to promote the brand new Sony Ericsson W995 handset through mobile phone demonstrations in Vue Cinemas across the country.

Website Design & Build

Chesser Engineering

Website Design & Build
Chesser Engineering have comissioned Kommando's Digital division to design and develop a new website.


In Kommando Wonderland

Kommando have just completed a successful 2 week sampling campaign for Wrigleys 5 which formed part of the "Alice in Wonderland" movie launch.