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Strathclyde Business School has been ranked the 17th best school in Europe and awarded 5th best UK school in the latest rankings by the Financial Times [1], so we were honoured to once again be presenting to students studying Marketing.

Our CEO presented his opinions, insight and experience relating to the subject of Guerrilla Marketing. The lecture centred around the impact that Entrepreneurs have on the world of Guerrilla Marketing.

Guerrilla Marketing

Kommando has a wealth of knowledge and experience around the subject of Guerrilla Marketing. Our CEO in particular is known for his entrepreneurial ventures and previous positions within some of the most forward thinking companies in the UK.

“We use non-traditional methods to achieve marketing success and reach/exceed goals and objectives, with limited resources and tight budgets.”

Students gleamed insight into the history of Guerrilla Marketing, right back to when it was born (Roman Armies) along with the other forms of marketing which may have played an important role in its creation. Looking at the present media landscape, it’s less about the Big Three these days (Radio, Press & Advertising), and we have far more media and communications to play with. TV’s don’t just have 4 channels anymore, consumers are empowered and brands are creating more interesting ways to create chatter and buzz about companies and their products!

Later in the lecture discussions turned to the real meaning of Guerrilla, what forms are found at the front line (e.g. publicity stunts, ambient media) and every day (e.g. corporate branding, events). We felt that it was also important to mention what we thought Guerrilla means in today’s society as well as the state of mind that a ‘Guerrilla Marketer’ has to have:

  • Be able to take advantage of situations
  • Maximise on opportunities
  • Be creative, Be relevant, Be original!
  • Measurement is key
  • Be brave and use the full communications mix (an integrated approach)
  • Be safe

To conclude the presentation, we explained how entrepreneurs and Guerrilla marketing can work together in perfect harmony. Entrepreneurs make better Guerrillas, they take advantage of situations and utilise resources more effectively. Their innate ability to be bold and creative provides the perfect competitive advantage.

TNT's "We Know Drama" Belgian Viral Marketing Stunt

We had a great response from students and welcome any other enquiries about Kommando presentations.

For students interested in internships or for more information about our Guerrilla presentation and Guerrilla skills contact us >>




Top; Kommando's Guerrilla stunt for EMAP; 1Nation

Top left; BBC Test Screen Cards, back in the day when we were restricted to 3/4 TV channels

Bottom left; Richard Branson of the Virgin Group demonstrates why entrepreneurs make better Guerrillas

Experiential Round Table

The Event Production Show

Experiential Round Table
Our CEO was recently asked to be part of an experiential round table. The discussion focused on the history of experiential marketing and the benefits to brands and events.

Feel The Creative Breeze


Feel The Creative Breeze
The web is a key platform for Kommando to engage with its customers and new audiences. The creative minds at Kommando felt it was time to give our digital comms a new look and feel. See how things have changed...


connect with your audiences & add value

Global brands are now focusing on generating personalised marketing campaigns using the latest Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and producing truly unique marketing experiences for audiences.