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Radio Frequency Identification

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“Big Brother is watching you,” George Orwell (1949) once proclaimed in the haunting novel ‘1984’.

Less than 30 years later it seems he is doing more than just watching. Global brands are now focusing on generating personalised marketing campaigns using the latest Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology and producing truly unique marketing experiences for their ‘tribes’.

Picture above: The famous party property, Ushuaia Beach Hotel in Ibiza capitalised on their consumer’s obsession with Facebook and combined it with RFID technology, installing Facebook pods within the resort for their ‘Make Your Facebook Friends Jealous’ theme and so that they could “position Facebook as an integral part of the unique and memorable Ushuaia holiday experience. [1]

We've created a paper all about RFID and Near Field Communications (NFC), it explores:

  • The meaning of and the differences between RFID and Near Field Communications (NFC)
  • How RFID helps brands connect with audiences and add value to Experiential campaigns
  • Examples of how and why brands are using RFID and NFC
  • The outcomes for brands already using RFID and the benefits for Experiential marketers
  • The future of RFID technology and its use within Experiential Marketing
  • Brands that cross the line with RFID tagging/ tracking consumer data

Contact us to obtain your copy >>


Previous; Lobster Roll Rumble- When consumers used their wristbands to touch branded signage, tweets were sent out with pre-set phrases. Photo: Alyssa Ringer

Above; Ushuaia Ibiza Beach Hotel, RFID Social Sharing Experience

Left; “Checked in by Ford Escape”; Concert-goers’ checked into Facebook. Photo: Erika Goldring

[1] May, K 2011, “Hotel connects Facebook with hi-tech RFID to hit social media-loving clubbers”, Talking, Travel, Tech News, 20 July. Viewed 10 February 2012

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