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Geo Symmetric Domes

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Striking Geo Symmetric Domes are taking brand experiences to the next level. The producers of such beautiful products say that the Domes can bring a brand to life and immerse their visitors in the personality and features of a brand or product.

For a full sensory experience the Domes can provide Seamless projections (3D is optional), video content, smell machines, music and sampling/ catering.

Aren’t brands always looking for an ‘environment that would impress the un-impressible’? These pictures show a full surround video dome created especially for Google, said to be the world’s largest video dome:

  • 9 channels of HD merged into one giagantic 16 megapixel video display on a 6,000 square foot display surface.
  • Diners of the Gala were taken on a “2 hour visual odyssey.” The experience included glacial scenes, abstract natural beauty and travels to the “far edges of the universe and back.”

We are partners with one of the largest providers of Geo Symmetric Domes. Contact Us to find out how and why Kommando would create an unforgettable experience for your brand, incorporating these magnificant Domes.

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