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Cause related marketing

This particular cause related marketing campaign, aimed at motorists, warned onlookers about driving in poor weather conditions and that we should all adapt our driving to match adverse weather conditions. The Guerrilla marketing campaign displayed billboards that bled when it rained.

The stunts motivation derived from the shocking number of fatalities occuring as a consequence of the previous year’s heavy downpour. At the end of the video we get to see just how effective the whole campaign was- since the billboard was erected there has been a 0% death rate.

This cause related stunt had to have a high impact in seconds to ensure that the message was understood quick enough by passing driver’s as well as leaving a lasting impressions in their minds.

Know Your Limits by Kommando

Did you ever see our cause related marketing campaign for the Police? It hit news headlines for reducing knife crime. For marketing that really makes a difference read our story >>

Bleeding Billboard

Home | Blog | Bleeding Billboard

I came across this Guerrilla marketing stunt the other day which uses OOH media and it made me think about how often emotive/ shock advertising is utilised by those trying to combat hard hitting social issues such as domestic violence, drug abuse and anti-smoking.

This type of marketing often proves to be very effective...

TK Maxx

Giant Shopping lands in Glasgow

TK Maxx
Kommando have created an experiential campaign for TK Maxx to launch their latest flagship superstore.

Drama And Surprise

TV Channel Launch causes drama and surprise

Drama And Surprise
To launch their new TV channel, TNT placed a large red push button on a quiet square in a Belgium town. Next to the button was an invitation: "Push to add drama."