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Grow Your Brand & Save The Bees

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You may or may not already be aware, but Britain's Bee population is in serious decline. 97% of Britains flower-rich fields have been lost over the past few years, and since bees rely on flowers for food, it's no wonder they are in crisis.

The demise of Britain’s bees has been the source of much media attention recently, as these little critters do a hugely important job for us - pollinating our food chain – so their shrinking population is of great concern.

Something else that you may or may not be aware of is that as well as our London Shoreditch office, Kommando's headquarters is based in a converted barn in the middle of a working farm in Glasgow.

If you follow us on twitter, you have probably seen the black faced sheep that stalk us through the window of our office and the curious cows that greet us each morning as we get out of our cars. Coming to work in an environment like this each day can make you feel very, shall we say "at one with nature", so we decided to get on board with "The Bee Cause" and do our bit to help.

To help replace some of the bee's natural habitats, we have been tossing grenade-shaped clumps of soil and seeds in spaces around our office garden and watching as brightly-coloured, nectar rich wildflowers spring up in their place. We've taken to calling them KomBoms, and we've plenty of them to share.

We're in the business of creating - whether it is innovative brand experiences, exciting guerrilla marketing campaigns, solid digital strategies or colourful homes for bees. With over 15 years in the marketing industry, we know that in order to be effective in a multi channel world, each business needs a powerful brand identity strong and versatile enough to translate across print, online, social, mobile and various other touch-points.



Not only do we want to re-grow the bee community, we want to grow businesses by building brands that will last a lifetime. That's why we’ve launched “Grow With Kommando” – our most environmentally friendly campaign to date!

We're giving away a limited number of KomBoms with the aim of kick-starting a wave of budding guerrilla gardeners, all doing their bit for mother nature and helping the bee population grow. If you'd like to get your hands on a KomBom and see how our talented (and green-fingered) branding team can help "grow your brand", all you need to do is get in touch!

Once you have your KomBom, we want to see what you do with it. Tweet us photos of your guerrilla gardens and those we like best will recieve a no-obligation, free of charge brand audit.

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