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There are two things that Britain is best known for; awkward politeness and being notoriously wet. So, seeing as our tendencies to over think social situations aren't going to help raise brand awareness any time soon, we have turned to the other thing that we can always rely on; RAIN.

At Kommando, we like to stay ahead of the curve.

We pride ourselves on innovation and strive to always provide our clients with inventive and alternative ways to excite and engage consumers.

Our “Kool Box” is full of ideas and gadgets to do just that; from drones and handheld guerrilla projectors to our Emotibox, virtual and augmented reality, as well as moss graffiti and geo-symmetric domes… the list goes on.

Having had yet another reasonably lousy summer, we began thinking that there must be a way that we can take advantage of our typical British weather.

So, a few coffees, a couple of mind-maps and some shaky camera work later, the latest addition to our Kool Box was born – and it’s one that will allow our clients to capitalize on all the lovely rain we can inevitably expect as we move into the latter half of the year. Take a look at the video below to see the technique in action.

DRYvertising” is a form of environmentally friendly, bio-degradable graffiti which remains invisible until it is activated by rain.

Campaign messages, hashtags, URL’s, logo’s or even directions can be stenciled in and around high-footfall areas frequented by your target market. As they walk down the street head down and umbrella up, you can be sure that your street content won’t be missed.



 Let your brand

make a splash. 


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Grow With Kommando

Explosive thinking to grow your brand!

Grow With Kommando
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