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Breaking Boundaries With Technology

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For nearly 15 years, Kommando's Research and Development team have created and engineered some of the most powerful experiential technologies, hardware and software, available anywhere in the world.

Facial Detection & Gender Specific Digital Signage

In recent years, we have introduced facial detection to some of our experiential campaigns, road shows and events.

For clients such as Deezer, Disney and Police Scotland, we have been able to profile individuals under gender and age brackets in order to produce advertising and digital signage specific to one person, rather than mass markets. As brands are moving away from the traditional mass targeting, technology like this has helped greatly improve sales and brand awareness.

Augmented Reality

Technology that superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world.

We’re currently utilising augmented reality software to bring important health risks to life and change behaviours on behalf of the Scottish Government, for their latest field marketing campaign.

The campaign in question is aimed at raising awareness of the dangers of second-hand smoke in the home. Consumers enter a normal living room scenario but when they look on-screen they are able to view potential threats posed to their family’s health.

The combination of such powerful software with Kommando’s renowned creative enabled a consumer experience like no other.

Interactive Gaming/ APPS

With a similar aim towards changing behaviour, Kommando created a unique gaming platform which included an interactive touch screen and tin character. The activity saw children as well as adults engaged with a campaign about Recycling. The ‘Rapid Recycler’ game showed consumers how many everyday recyclables a person could be giving another life, in 60 seconds. The end frame screens showed the items rejuvenated as new, useful products.

The interactive screen and ‘Rapid Recycler’ game provided an invaluable ‘hook’ for encouraging parents / families to stop and chat. It was also an innovative and dynamic way to raise awareness on the benefits of recycling.

Not only was the game successful in helping to spread the campaign messages, but was able to capture the attention of consumers in a busy shopping environment.

Klockwork; Brand Ambassador Network

Kommando realised a long time ago that at the heart of great campaigns you'll find great staff, which is precisely why we developed Klockwork: our patented staff booking system.

Klockwork uses a performance rating system, which works in a similar way to Trip Advisor, and is utilised for staff recruitment, monitoring, evaluation and invoicing. Klockwork maintains our network of 3000+ promotional staff whilst providing the best match of people to a wide variety of brands and briefs.

With so much technology in our hands, not only can we pick and choose what works best for each client but we can also finally measure the quality of staff interactions and value added service.

We can acquire the best staff to encourage and inform; we can gauge if our visitors are having the very best experience; we can identify potential customers and deliver relevant feedback; we can easily adapt creative to suit.

With so many innovations at Kommando’s fingertips, why settle for the same old road show or sampling campaign? Tomorrow’s technology is some way off for many but it's here today for Kommando clients.

Augmented Reality

The Government works with Kommando

Augmented Reality
Kommando Group is working with the Scottish Government to create and deliver a nation-wide field marketing campaign. The mission, bring to life the dangers of second-hand smoke, create awareness and drive change.

Experiential marketing

Breaking through the noise

Experiential marketing
Consumers today are bombarded by noise. It is in their everyday lives, their social lives and their virtual lives. How do we as marketers penetrate the protective carapace in which consumers have shrouded themselves?

Walking Dead Blood Store

The Pop-up Shop Where You Pay With Your Blood

Walking Dead Blood Store
In a world’s first, TV show ‘The Walking Dead’ have created a POP-UP store where the currency is blood. It’s called ‘The Walking Dead Blood Store’ and promotes the hit show’s upcoming 4th season on Fox Channel Portugal.