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The Pop-up Shop Where You Pay With Your Blood

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In a world’s first, TV show ‘The Walking Dead’ have created a POP-UP store where the currency is blood. It’s called ‘The Walking Dead Blood Store’ and promotes the hit show’s upcoming 4th season on Fox Channel Portugal.

Consumers were asked at till point for their blood, in exchange for The Walking Dead merchandise. The more milliliters of blood given, the better the product. Each fan was encouraged to "contaminate" friends and family with the idea, persuading them to donate blood on their behalf.

The results have been exceptional with the Portuguese National Blood Bank (IPST) reporting that blood donations are up by 571% compared to the previous year, and 67% were first time donors. 'The Blood Store' received mass attention online and across social networks and the TV show has also had a 17% increase in viewership.

A clever and clearly effective campaign that is soon to be replicated in several countries, but would this pop-up be enough to convince you to donate your blood?

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