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Three Mobile

Three Mobile

Kommando were tasked with generating intensive press exposure through innovative Guerrilla pop ups and non traditional ambient media activities across the UK.

The first wave of activity was aimed at street level and would encourage the public to talk about the brand ‘3’. The ultimate goal was to recognise the new ‘3’ logo and associated branding. The second phase of the campaign was aimed at capturing the attention of national and local press, key inflencers and local communities.

The fundamental concept for all Guerrilla activity was that it should be carried out in teams of 3. Subsequently, this concept was adopted and rolled out across further marketing communications and strategies.

Kommando achieved the following results:

• 78% of people questioned could recall the brand and recognised the ‘3’ shaved heads.

• In conclusion, 1 in 5 people shared at least 1 of the campaign’s activities amongst peer groups.

• The ‘3’ mobile website saw a daily spike in traffic of more than 16%.

• 7% increase in subscribes to the ‘3’ mailing list.

• Press exposure across most of the local and national publications adding to approx £300,000 worth in column inches and a reaching over 2.6 million of the population.

• Radio exposure: Galaxy, Metro and Clyde with a reach of 1.2 million listeners (approx £80,000).