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Advocates For Animals

Advocates For Animals

"We were delighted with the range of creative ideas that Kommando came up with for a media stunt. The event on the day went very smoothly to plan and produced the professional result we were wanting. The stunt helped us to generate extensive local and national media coverage for our campaign to ban snares in Scotland." Ross Minett, Campaigns Director for Advocates for Animals

Kommando marked the anniversary of the decision taken not to make snaring illegal by MSPS with a shock ambush stunt, creating public stand still.. and positive news generation.“Blood soaked humans lie trapped in snares outside Parliament” was the headline for the campaign.

Working with Advocates for Animals and the League Against Cruel Sports, Kommando raised the voices of the animal cruelty charity. Staging a highly provocative press stunt outside Scottish Parliament at Holyrood, before taking to the streets raising awareness to the general public of the unnecessary torture, caused by the use of snares to Princess Street commuters and shoppers.

Actors were photographed on the street having been trapped by dangerous snares. Different parts of the body were wrapped with giant human snares with blood staining around the wound. Each actor was dressed in costume to portray different characters from all walks of life, a Student dressed casually, a businessman in business dress, a woman out shopping, a working man in overalls and a Jogger out for a run.

Snares are vicious and uncontrolled methods of legal torture with many family pets falling victim to snaring as well as recognised wild life. Humans adopted the persona of animals in pain to raise impact and awareness amongst ministers to move along the decision to review the laws on legal snaring in Scotland.