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Police Scotland

Police Scotland

“We’re delighted to be working with Kommando in this unique way to heighten awareness about the issues surrounding gang violence. There are over 170 gangs operating across the Force area and the majority of their members are aged between 13 and 19 years of age.. Too many young lives are being lost or ruined by gang violence.” Assistant Chief Constable, Strathclyde Police.

In a bid to change youths attitudes towards knife crime, Kommando were briefed to communicate at youth level in an innovative way, ensuring those affected by these crime or involved in gang culture would take notice of the consequences of knife crime, and in course this message would prevent the use of dangerous weapons.

Kommando’s guerrilla marketing campaign, tailored with NomadiX Media projection technology helped communicate the consequences of knife crime. Chalkings of crime scenes and outlines of dead bodies were used as shock tactics on the pavements of badly hit knife crime areas. Alongside this, ‘street cinema’ involved projections of campaign videos and press clippings of knife crime victims.

Results At A Glance: A frenzy of press attention with news coverage on TV, newspapers, radio and online.

Case Study of Police Scotland Campaign by Kommando Marketing