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Shanghai World Expo

Shanghai World Expo

“The Scottish Government has been working with VisitScotland, Scottish Development International ( SDI ) and the British Council to promote Scotland at the Expo as a key destination to live, work, visit and do business. Kommando’s innovative and creative use of the latest technology gave Expo visitors a fantastic flavor of Scotland’s vibrant culture and heritage.” Alex Salmond, First Minister

Under the theme “Better City, Better Life” The Scottish Government, VisitScotland and Scottish development International in partnership with the British Council came to Kommando to represent the best that Scotland has to offer at the Shanghai World Expo at the UK Pavilion. A cultural gathering of 200 world-wide countries brought together in a 5 mile event ground, The UK Pavilion attracted over 40,000 daily visitors alone and was awarded the prize of Top Pavillion.

Kommando worked on behalf of the Scottish Government to Showcase Scotland as a great place to visit, learn, work, do business and invest through use of innovative Scottish engineered technologies and Scottish and Chinese native brand ambassadors.

Results At A Glance: 18,000 Estimated Interactions, 114,000 Estimated Impressions & being highly commended by the First Minister.

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