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Scottish Power

Scottish Power

Christine proved to be a key tactic in attracting consumers to the area.

ScottishPower supply electricity and gas to many homes and businesses around the United Kingdom. Kommando were asked to help create a campaign that raised awareness of the Scottish Power brand, educating consumers on energy saving methods and green policies with the overall aim of driving and converting sales.

Activity targeted Scottish Power’s key areas and took place in shopping centres across the country. A giant model of Scottish Power’s washing machine “Christine” was specially built and placed inside the shopping centres. Christine acted as a focal point for the campaign and was designed to draw customers and create stand out in the busy environment.

Fully uniformed and scripted Kommando brand ambassadors worked with a Scottish Power sales teams to educate and attract existing & new business.

Results At A Glance:

  • Increased awareness of the Scottish Power brand.
  • Drove sales and conversions.
  • Clever creative: Christine proved to be a key tactic in attracting consumers to the area.

Please get in touch via the link below for more information about this case study.