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Kommando Talks Frank

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Social marketing agency, Forster has appointed Kommando to activate for the local Governments Talk to Frank campaign “ Pablo, the drug mule dog” raising awareness to the youth market of the dangers of taking cocaine.

The Kommando nomadiX projector team hit the London streets and youth centres projecting live video footage featuring Pablo, the talking drug mule dog onto buildings and street canvases prompting youths to visit the YouTube site for further impact and information about the dangers of taking cocaine.

Shown over 2 evenings in December, proximity enabled Bluetooth technology was used to send unique Talk to Frank messages to over 1000 mobile handsets. Pablo, featuring the voice of Peep Shows David Mitchell is shown with his stomach cut open having been used to smuggle drugs into the country. Pablo, the dealer, the user, the heart and the bleeding nostril tell the viewer the truth about cocaine.

Kommando’s nomadiX projectors and Bluetooth activity compliment TV, Cinema and Online advertising. Mark Evans, Managing Director at Kommando said “Guerrilla advertising was the best approach here. We had to target the audience in their everyday environments, ones that were relevant, the message of the campaign is clear and Kommando had to engage with impact and measurement, as always we delivered".

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