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Kommando Gets Fresh With The Scottish Government!

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Kommando recently worked with Story to create an experiential and sampling campaign on behalf of The Scottish Government.

The campaign was designed to meet all aspects of the brief in a fresh, informative and educational manner. Our roaming team included an Event Manager, Sous Chef and scripted brand ambassadors who visited supermarkets across Scotland during a 5 week roadshow.

The team offered advice on seasonal produce as well as providing consumers with samples of fresh soup prepared by our chef using in-season produce. Recipe cards showing how easily the soup could be made at home were distributed along with fridge magnets detailing monthly in season produce.

Consumers were encouraged to enter into a competition where they could win a soup maker providing the opportunity for data-capture and follow up dialogue.

Results were outstanding and stats are as follows:

38,000 interactions 200,000 impressions36,000 samples 35,520 recipe cards distributed4,263 competition entries 4,700 magnets distributed

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