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'Fifty Shades of Grey' Viral Effect?

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In the world of marketing, Is it still true that sex sells?

Has anyone NOT read 'Fifty Shades Of Grey'? It’s one of those books spoiled by many before you get a chance to read it. I generally don’t like to know the plot before I read a book but it seems I can’t avoid hearing about this particular erotic novel, whether it’s on the underground, via friends, on facebook, in the papers or even at the doctors...the other day a nurse couldn’t resist asking if I had my copy yet! Awkward? Yes. Mainly becasue this is where I discovered the outline of the plot!

The mania has definitely taken over but what is causing this viral effect?

Word of mouth is arguably one of the most powerful marketing tools around and it seems the book- due to its restrictive marketing budget- has relied a great deal on this. The book has been commended for its great writing and scintillating plot line (which evokes escapism) and likely to be the main reason for many recommending the book to others.

Is Fifty Shades Of Grey one of the greatest reads of all time? Especially when you put in line next to some of the greats. Does it merit such media/ public attention? Maybe the explicitly erotic scenes have a lot to do with its popularity, and consequently helping it top the sales charts. Don’t forget the novel was a faster seller than the global phenomenon Harry Potter.

Is a controversial take on erotic behaviors and some sex scenes enough to stimulate readers or are they won over by the underlying messages of inequality/ disempowerment or by the emotional connection that the two main characters develop?

The popularity of Fifty Shades Of Grey (which is part of a trilogy) has continued to increase since its release in 2011, with nearly 300, 000 fans liking one of its several Facebook pages - half of these fans are actively talking about it on the social sharing site. Twitter also has many associated pages, including one for the author while Wikipedia has started up a page populated with a mass of information. On AmazonFifty Shades has been given a five star rating by thousands of readers!

Those with a more discreet nature have opted to purchase e-book versions rather than the paperback and moreover the book has been described as a great example of viral marketing and the rise in popularity of female erotica.

Despite the global appreciation for Fifty Shades the book has caused disorder amongst many, including the reporting of a man convicted of assault because he ‘plastered’ his partner and her house in a brown condiment for reading the novel which he described as “porn”.

Critics are expressing their concerns over the perpetuated violence against women that such a read could provoke, calling it ‘horrible’ and ‘disturbing’. All comments which will probably lead to further hype and intrigue over the book. 

What’s next... a film of course! Producers of the box office hit movie 'The Social Network', Mike DeLuca and Dana Brunetti have agreed to take on the books transition into the movie world. Oh and what’s next for me… the post man is knocking at the door... no e-books for me!

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