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Could This Be The New Apple TV?

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Whilst the world awaits confirmation from Apple exactly what could be the next big thing; Here’s an artists impression of a device that was explained in depth to me just last week, i've dubbed it the iTV.

The funny thing is this, there are many in the world waiting with baited breath in anticipation of a sublime, contemporarily styled high definition, likely 27” or more Apple TV. Perhaps coming in a large white box.

You know how Apple products look, they look great and you know how their marketing department is, LOCKED DOWN.

Anyway, are they going to be surprised at what’s really in store? A HDMI "Dongle" that’s not 2 inches long?

Strange, but it’s highly likely it’s true. Apple does have a habit of squeezing great things into tiny packages.

Just into the New Year I found myself in a chance meeting with a friend with whom I go way back, a friend I had not seen in some time. The funny thing is, thinking back about it, the last time I saw them was when they’d told me about a wonderful new job opportunity they’d discovered, a job opportunity in California.

Now 5 years go by and wouldn’t you know it, I find them sitting at the table opposite me, in a restaurant in Glasgow. Our re-introductions went swiftly, I’d known them since child-hood, and soon the pleasantries were followed by quite a few pints of the finest and then a dram or three as we went over the past 5 years of each of our lives.

Much of the evening was spent talking about general chit-chat; What it was like, the California beaches, the weather and all the more mundane but important stuff you find yourself talking about, especially once you’ve had a couple more than were really necessary.

But as the evening drew to a close I found we had begun discussing projects that had been started during his time in this new job, jobs that had been completed and even projects that were still on-going, but one project in particular stood out at me.

It was the HDMI Dongle you see above and I’m told it was finished over 3 months ago!!

The new Apple iTV: What it could do for you.

I’ll tell you what I was told;

This is a Wireless High Definition Link that connects iDevices, for example your iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad and potentially others, to your TV using the HDMI Socket.

I was told the Apple iTV is powered by the HDMI Socket on the TV, so no cables;

I checked this out, and sure enough, the HDMI socket conveniently has a 5v, 50mA supply built right in.

Anyway, it is coupled to a custom App on the iDevice and this App allows you to build your own TV Channel from pretty well any web source and display it on any TV with a HDMIPortvia Wi-Fi.

It appears tie ins with YouTube, Hulu and even 4OD and BBC iPlayer have been tested and also the internet with Safari, all on the TV in your living room, and all controlled from your iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad.

It really is such a simple idea.

I was told even more;

The new Apple iTV also gives full control of the TV to the iDevice, so controls like Volume, Mute, Channel Select and many more are also controlled on the phone, pod or pad. Yet another clever standard feature, and as it uses the HDMI Consumer Electronics Control system it works with almost any TV, certainly any with a fully compatible HDMI socket and it seems most are.

I was reliably told there was absolutely no reason why it could not wirelessly send Live Sky Sports Video, assuming you have a Sky contract or SkyGo, via your mobile phone to your TV.

In fact, it doesn’t even have to be your TV, as it’s based on Wireless and HDMI and works with your mobile phone, you can take it to your friends house and watch the footy, even if they haven’t got SKY.

They don’t even need a TV Aerial or Sky dish, just a TV with HDMI.

Of course you will still need a decent Internet connect, but these days, who hasn’t?

The new Apple iTV: Potential Specifications.

CEC TV Compatibility, partial list:

Samsung AnynetSharp Aquos LinkSony Bravia LinkHitachiHDMI-CECPioneer KURO LinkToshiba CE-Link & Regza LinkLG SimpLinkPanasonic Viera LinkPhilips EasyLink

Wireless / Video Modes:

B/G/NHDMI 1.4 with HDCP – (Type A)Maximum supported Resolution 1920 x 1080

iDevice compatitbility list, partial:

iPod TouchiPhone 4iPhone 4SiPadiPad 2

I was also told it has a swivel HDMI Plug for those wall mounted sets with rear facing sockets. Unfortunately I forgot about it until after the artists impression was drawn up.

I bet the box is only 3” square!!

Guess where my friend went to work those 5 years ago….

Pop back soon and read more.

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