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Home | Blog | Some hilarious answers to a school test paper

This pupil may have completely failed each question but at least he got an A for creativity!

School Test Results- Epic Fail

An A For Creativity

Home | Blog | Some hilarious answers to a school test paper

Ok so this pupil shows us their hilarious answers to one of those dreaded school test papers!

Top 10 Annoying Ads

10 most unpopular adverts are revealed

Top 10 Annoying Ads
The ASA has revealed the top ten most complained about/ most annoying adverts of all time and the top prize goes to an advert made by Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Advocates For Animals

Blood soaked humans lie trapped in snares

Kommando marked the anniversary of the decision taken not to make snaring illegal by MSPS with a shock ambush stunt, creating public stand still.. and positive news generation.

Kommando Out

Thoughts and ponderings from Tom.

Kommando Out
Soon-to-be former Kommando team member, Tom reflects on his time at "The Barn" as he heads off on his travels (you lucky thing, you!).